Thursday, July 15, 2010

Even grandma loves it

(Originally published June 23 on Written by Amy Huschka)

JOHANNESBURG -- Here in South Africa, we hear a lot about how excited everyone is back home about the World Cup.

That must be case, because no one seems into this tournament more than my 81-year-old grandmother, Lima.

Right before we left, she pleasantly informed me that the U.S. is in Group C and is playing England, Algeria and Slovenia, who are also in Group C. Really? So cute. Like we didn’t know. She also told us that England was going to be the big game. Again. Cute.

She told me the dates of the U.S. games and that she cut the schedule out of the Cincinnati Enquirer so she could follow along.

She also told me about a family in Cincinnati bringing soccer balls to South Africa to hand out to local children. Also clipped out and saved.

After the U.S.-England game two weekends ago, I called to check on her and tell her about our trip. MeMa, as we call her, told us she got up early and watched the games before U.S.-England.

In her thoughtful analysis of the game, she thought England outplayed the U.S. Cute.

“They fall down more than the 8-year-olds on Ethan’s team,” she said, referring to her great-grandson, my nephew, who plays select soccer in Cincinnati.

“We call it diving, MeMa,” I explained. “They are faking it.”

“Really,” she said clearly trying to make sense of why they would do that.

MeMa watched the Slovenia game and was happy when the U.S. rallied to tie. “That was a good game.”

I bet she’ll be watching the Algeria game later today.

We know she is watching because she knows her granddaughter and grandson-in-law love the game, but, at 81, she is learning to love the game as well. She even calls her older sister in Orlando to talk soccer.

If MeMa can enjoy soccer, this sport must really be on the verge of something special in our country.

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